6 Ways To Reduce Wedding Planning Overwhelm (which are simpler than you might think!)
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with wedding planning right now, rest assured you’re not alone.
In a recent poll on my Instagram stories, 79% of brides that answered said they were feeling overwhelmed at the moment.
And it’s no wonder. With lockdowns and postponements, the anxiety of not fully knowing whether your day will go ahead in the way you wanted it to, changes of venue and guestlists, plus a whole lot of life outside wedding planning, it’s no wonder so many of you are feeling absolutely drained and wrung out right now.
The good news is, it’s absolutely possible to get back on track and feel invigorated and full of motivation again! And it’s not as hard as you might think. Read on for some ideas to try to reduce and release a little bit of that overwhelm.
“Invest in yourself by making time for yourself. You are the priority, not the tasks on your list.”
If we imagine overwhelm as stuck energy in our body, there’s an easy way to start shifting it, and that’s by simply moving.
It doesn’t matter how you move, just do it in a way that feels good to you.
It might be walking, dancing, running or simply shaking your arms and legs while you’re sat on the sofa. This can start to give an instant release as our bodies move the stuck energy and our brains start to clear, giving a feeling of space that helps us to think more clearly.
One of my favourite things at the moment is KINRGY, which I discovered through the free app FitOn. I’m not an affiliate, I’m just sharing what works for me, and you may love it too!
This is a great way to release some of the stress without having to talk to anyone. Instead, ask yourself questions like, “Why am I feeling this way?”, “What’s blocking me right now?” or “What’s my biggest issue at the moment?”. Hold your pen loosely and let the words flow.
I’ll be honest, it can feel a bit awkward at first, but settle yourself somewhere cosy, light a scented candle and don’t rush anything. Single words may be all that come out, but that’s ok too.
I find that if I sit long enough, I start having a conversation with myself on paper. I start asking myself questions, and in turn my inner self responds or asks them back.
This can bring some comfort that you have all you need within - you don’t need to look outside for approval and the next step.
“You have all you need within - you don’t need approval from outside sources.”
Take a break
From wedding planning, from social media, from everything that’s draining your energy.
Instead, go on a date with your partner, find a new book to read (if you need suggestions, check out Nikki at The Bookish Mindset on Instagram - I’ve loved so many of the ones she’s recommended!), reconnect with a friend, spend time with a pet or do something fun with the kids.
Wedding planning easily eats up our lives - it feels like there are so many deadlines to meet, but in reality, you’re probably already aware of these in your mind and you likely still have time. A couple of days away from it all is not going to hinder your plans and progress, but it will reenergise you to be your best self and make decisions quicker.
This is the same in all areas of life - I need to do this daily at the moment! We’re so quick to throw ourselves in to being busy, when it’s counterproductive to efficiency.
Make a list
Just like looking at your bank account before pay day, seeing everything you have to do in black and white in front of you can be terrifying!
However, seeing your list of “to dos” actually gives you back control.
It will help you to see exactly what needs to get done (not what you think needs to be done!), allows you to prioritise and delegate tasks and will reassure you that you have everything covered.
While people say there’s a set order to do things when it comes to wedding planning, trust your instinct. Once you have a date, venue, registrar, food and photographer, you can start looking at everything else, prioritising the bigger things or the suppliers you need there on the day, and then looking at everything else.
Talk to someone
A friend, a family member, a partner or the dog…it can be hard to admit we’re feeling overwhelmed and show our vulnerability in a world that expects us to have it all together (side note: nobody actually does!), but we all have someone who loves us and wants to help.
If you can, be clear before you start: tell your person that you just want them to listen if you don’t want suggestions (or tell them you welcome their suggestions if you feel that’s what you need!). This is something that I’ve found drastically shifts the focus of the conversation.
So many times I would moan to Pete and he would want to fix things, which isn’t what I needed him to do. Now, when we’re clear with each other what we need from the conversation, we’re able to support each other better.
If things are getting too much though, and you think there are other issues that are contributing to your overwhelm, it’s worth looking in to talking therapies and counselling.
Earlier this year, I identified that I had a lot of blocks in certain areas as a result of childhood conditioning that I couldn’t heal by myself. Seeking out support from a therapist really helped me to regain all the pieces of myself. If you have lots going on in your world outside the wedding, it may be worth finding a professional to talk things through with.
“Be clear when opening up to someone - do you want their suggestions or just someone to listen? Making this clear transforms the conversation.”
Be your own best friend
It’s hard to put ourselves first, but it’s true that you can’t help others when you’ve nothing left to give.
Focus on the basics of self care: Get plenty of sleep and review your bedtime routine, drink lots of water, eat healthy foods and reduce your screen time away from work instead of scrolling mindlessly. Invest in yourself by making time for yourself.
Once your basic needs are met, you’ll start to feel better in yourself, have more self-trust and feel more energised.
Making you one, unstoppable human, ready to bring this dream wedding in to reality!
Wherever you’re at right now, know this:
It’s all going to be ok.
You are capable of this, you’ve got this and I’m cheering you on all the way!
Breathe…it’s all going to be ok.