Brooch Bouquets
sentimental | Elegant | Timeless
Your bouquet is an everlasting investment into one of the most important days of your life.
Many brides choose to wear something from their mum or grandma on their wedding day, but it doesn’t always suit their personal style
Your bouquet could not only include those sentimental pieces, combined in a way that stays true to you, but be that something for your daughter one day, immortalised in wedding photos for generations to come.
All in the detail…
Every piece of your bouquet tells a story, bringing the past in to the present.
Imagine grandad’s watch that stood the test of a World War, or grandma’s buttons from the cardigan you used to snuggle in to when you wanted to feel better…
I can help you to work these in to your bouquet, so that those you miss the most can be there with you in spirit on your big day.
My grandparents were definitely with me! I can’t thank you enough!
My bouquet was very much admired, lots of people had never seen anything like it.
Bespoke brooch bouquets start from £350 and you can reserve your wedding date with a 25% deposit.
Your next step is to book an appointment so we can discuss details and get your personalised quote!
Everything you did helped make the day one to remember.